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The Goddard Amplitude Flight Center (GSFC) Engineering and Technology Directorate (ETD) is a key contributor to a cross-organizational angle development activity (in this article, referred as the angle process), above the alignment provides engineering concepts and amount estimates for new projects. The GSFC angle activity is one of abounding mechanisms acclimated by the assorted NASA Centers to adduce new science, engineering, and technology concepts to attain allotment from the NASA address to beforehand new technologies that beforehand the NASA mission.

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As allotment of the angle process, ETD designs achievable engineering concepts and develops amount estimates that are included in the proposals that are beatific advanced to attempt for allotment for implementation. Through the proposals, anniversary NASA Center competes adjoin proposals developed by clandestine industry for the aforementioned science concepts, and they additionally attempt adjoin added science abstraction proposals developed by added NASA Centers. ETD’s assurance in the angle activity takes from 12 to 18 months, with assorted proposals actuality formed accompanying at altered stages of the process.

For years, the ETD alignment faced the challenges of accouterment appropriate engineering abutment to the angle process. This is a aftereffect of the consistently alteration attributes of the accurate and technology environment, aggressive ETD centralized and GSFC priorities, the attributes of its evolving workforce above bodies change jobs based on their career goals and the bound assets of the organization. For a continued time, the alignment acquainted like a victim of the activity and believed they could not aftereffect changes to advance the angle process. Accord in the activity was generally perceived as a accountability for some, and not commodity anybody enjoyed because of the low acknowledgment on investment.

As a systems architect alive in the Department of Defense (DoD) for 18 years, I took a career adorning appointment to appointment at GSFC for one year, arch a change activity for ETD in the ambience of the GSFC angle process. The change activity impacted over 1,200 advisers and adapted the organization’s role in the GSFC angle process. During that year, I had to acquisition artistic means to accept the alignment and the botheration they capital to improve, acquisition solutions to problems, and accommodate achievable and aerial amount recommendations that would decidedly transform how the alignment operated for abounding years. At the end of my one-year assignment, I provided admired recommendations to the alignment that bigger their accord in the angle process, and afflicted the dynamics in the organization, creating the foundation for a new authoritative culture. 

In this commodity I will allotment the architecture cerebration techniques I acclimated to drive authoritative change and activity improvement, and to actualize an appulse on the organization. 

Proposals activate by arch board devising an abstraction for a new science concept. Afterwards months of crumbling the science concept, the engineering (ETD) alignment is alleged to accommodate achievable engineering concepts aural the assigned amount and technology constraints. Generally the engineering alignment was asked to accommodate engineering adeptness too backward in the activity (i.e. six months afore the angle due date). Over time this admission became a accountability on the organization. 

In adjustment to abutment the angle work, bodies had to administer assorted priorities at the aforementioned time. Engineers had to bisect their time amid alive proposals and accouterment abutment to their approved engineering projects. 

On top of the engineering appointment that bare to be done, managers in the alignment were consistently challenged by accepting to drag the bound assets they had to do the appointment to be able to accommodated the assorted timelines and priorities of the organization. This became added arduous accustomed that some associates of the engineering aggregation did not appetite to appointment on the proposals, accustomed that it circuitous months of adamantine appointment with a low angle acceptable rate. In addition, aback angle appointment is competition-sensitive, adeptness was never aggregate amid proposals or amid angle teams, which sometimes resulted in duplication of appointment and a abridgement of administration of acquaint abstruse amidst teams. By not accepting admission to antecedent angle work, teams could not reclaim antecedent amount estimates or antecedent designs.

With the change initiative, ETD was attractive for new means of accomplishing appointment to advance their adeptness to bear able-bodied engineering concepts for the proposals that could access the angle acceptable amount for GSFC. By accretion the angle win rate, they could accept added allotment for development of new technology and new projects in the organization. 

Through the change initiative, the alignment approved adeptness and activity changes to advance the angle activity and the organization’s accord in the process. The change accomplishment aimed to do an all-embracing assay of the angle activity from the angle of the alignment and accommodate recommendations to advance the organizations’ assurance in the angle process. The all-embracing assay of the angle activity provided a holistic appearance of the organization’s accord in the angle process, assuming the assorted believability of assurance in the angle process, the assorted iterations and deliverables in abutment of their work, and the affliction believability and opportunities for advance as perceived by the assorted ETD appointment roles in the angle process.

Design cerebration is a framework that provides a human-centered admission for analytic that provides a able set of techniques and accoutrement for organizations to focus their absorption on the best important problems that charge to be solved1. Architecture cerebration methods can be activated to any blazon of problem: technical, organizational, or activity improvement, and the methods can be accumulated in a array of means to clothier the admission to the complication of the claiming at hand. Architecture cerebration provides a quick way for organizations to analyze the problems that charge to be solved, accent the best important problems, and architecture solutions that accommodate amount to the organization. The focus of the architecture cerebration admission is to analyze solutions that are feasible, viable, and desirable.

By appliance architecture thinking, I bound abstruse about the alignment and the angle process; created affection with the organization, accepted the intricacies of the angle activity and the problems the alignment experienced, prioritized the best acute problems that bare to be improved, and articular solutions of advance with a abstract accomplishing plan.

Figure 1 shows the assorted architecture cerebration techniques (shown in boxes) I acclimated in my roadmap for authoritative change. 

Figure 1. Architecture Cerebration Framework

At the alpha of my assignment, my antecedent admission was to accumulate the advice appliance interviews and acquire recommendations for advance from the account data. Interviews were a abundant way to accept the botheration space, but they alone affected the apparent of the abeyant solutions. Afterwards spending three months interviewing 27 stakeholders in the organization, I was asked to accommodate 25 added bodies in the change effort. At that point, I accomplished that the account admission was not activity to calibration and that I bare accession adjustment to bound accumulate the advice and accomplish advance and be able to accommodate recommendations to the organization. Moreover, by actuality an alien stakeholder in the organization, I did not accept accustomed believability in the alignment to acquaint the alignment what bare to be afflicted or how to change it. Therefore, I absitively to use architecture cerebration workshops as a adjustment to adviser the alignment to accept the problems and ideate solutions that would appointment for them. With this approach, the alignment accepted the solutions because they advised them, rather than actuality advised by accession who was not allotment of the organization.

Figure 2 shows the architecture cerebration activity I acclimated to appoint the alignment into change and adviser them through the activity of administration a accepted compassionate of the problems to be apparent and creating account for solutions for improvement.

Figure 2 Design Cerebration Activity Acclimated throughout the Experience

Structured interviews were the aboriginal footfall to appoint bodies in the alignment into the change initiative. Anniversary account affair lasted two hours. I affianced the associates of the administration aggregation and abstruse their angle on the angle activity for the assorted appointment roles they performed. Questions were tailored to the alignment and the angle process, and addressed the afterward bristles categories: stakeholder role, botheration assay (i.e. pains), botheration validation, befalling assay (i.e. gains), and befalling validation.

The structured interviews provided a safe ambiance for bodies to allotment their aboveboard appraisal on the activity and abeyant account for improvement, and provided an befalling to body assurance with the key stakeholders in the organization. During the ascertainment appearance of the change effort, I acclimated the interviews as a way to get to apperceive the bodies in the organization, apprentice about the process, and the problems and abeyant solutions for improvement. However, although stakeholders had a acceptable butt on the problems, their account for solutions were vague, and the interviews did not go into abyss on what the solutions would attending like or what was bare to apparatus them. Therefore, I acclimated the account for solutions to attending for accepted themes, to beforehand architecture cerebration workshops.

Being an alien stakeholder (i.e. not actuality allotment of NASA) had a bifold aftereffect on the organization: I was not perceived as a blackmail aback I was not allotment of the angle activity or the organization, and it created activity for change because assuredly accession was absolutely committed to convalescent the angle process. I conducted a absolute of 27 interviews aural a three-month timeframe.

As allotment of the ascertainment allotment of the process, I leveraged the practices from Lean Startup to abduction the allegation from the interviews and accommodate a decision of the problem-solution fit:

a. Stakeholder Amount Hypothesis Canvas

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The Stakeholder Amount Hypothesis Canvas (Figure 3) was acclimated to abduction the advice calm during the interviews for anniversary of the administration roles in the angle process. The address provided a decision of the pains, gains, and opportunities for anniversary of the ETD administration roles in the angle process, and provided a mapping of the pains and assets in the abeyant opportunities to advance the specific affliction believability and to capitalize on the gains. One amount hypothesis canvas was created for anniversary being interviewed. 

Figure 3. Amount Hypothesis Canvas Template

b. Mission Model Canvas

After a absolute assay of the account data, I articular high-level capacity for the accepted affliction believability in the angle process: amount estimation, abstraction development, and planning/governance of the process. I acclimated the Mission Model Canvas tool to anatomy anniversary of the accepted capacity and highlight the key apparatus of anniversary specific affair (i.e. abstraction development, amount estimation, and planning/governance of the angle process).  The Mission Model Canvas captured who in ETD alternating in anniversary accepted theme, added partnering organizations, the amount to ETD stakeholders if that accurate above improved, and a abstract abstraction of what organizations bare to be circuitous in the band-aid either as abutment or for decision-making. 

Figure 4. Mission Model Canvas Template

Figure 5 Mission Model Canvas and Stakeholder Amount Hypothesis Canvas Relationship

After commutual the interviews and accepting a acceptable compassionate of the angle process, the organization, and the botheration areas, I affianced the alignment in a alternation of architecture cerebration workshops to advance the alignment to analyze anniversary botheration area, accent the best burning problems that bare to be fixed, and architecture abeyant solutions for improvement. 

The architecture cerebration techniques were new in the ETD organization; therefore, I acclimated an incremental admission (Figure 6) to boring acquaint the architecture cerebration techniques in the alignment and actualize a accepted eyes for the approaching of ETD’s accord in the angle process.

Figure 6 An Incremental Admission to Actualize a Accepted Vision

I started with a baby (20 people) architecture cerebration branch to apprentice the angle of the engineering aggregation and adviser them through the activity of ideating solutions to advance their specific affliction points. As a aftereffect of the aboriginal workshop, the engineering aggregation created three abstraction posters of solutions that would advance the specific angle activity areas of abstraction development, amount estimation, and babyminding of the angle process.

The advice aggregate during the branch with the engineering aggregation was aggregate with the administration aggregation so they could accept the challenges and abeyant solutions the engineering aggregation identified. Again a architecture cerebration branch with the administration aggregation (10 people) was developed to accretion their angle in the three accepted claiming areas of the angle process: abstraction development, amount estimation, and governance. Accepting antecedent adeptness of the engineering team’s challenges and solutions helped the administration aggregation focus their activity on creating account for solutions that would allay the pains accomplished by both the engineering aggregation and the administration team. 

a. Stakeholder Mapping (15 mins)

The branch started with an icebreaker activity alleged the stakeholder mapping. The stakeholder mapping adjustment created the ambience in which to accept how the administration and engineering aggregation interacted with added bodies and organizations in the angle process, and the barter of advice amid organizations and people. With the stakeholder mapping technique, the teams bound articular the amusing arrangement of the angle activity which created the ambience for the actual activities in the workshop. The stakeholder mapping captured the complication and above of the interactions.

Figure 7 After-effects from the Stakeholder Mapping Method

b. Rose, Bud, Thorn (1 hour)

After ambience people’s mindset and ambience for the branch with the stakeholder mapping, the rose, bud and arrow adjustment was acclimated to analyze the absolute (i.e. roses), abrogating (i.e. thorns), and abeyant opportunities (i.e. buds) of the angle process. This was a actual activating activity above bodies acclimated stickies to bound analyze the positive, abrogating and potentials of the angle activity for anniversary of the claiming areas of the angle activity (concept development, amount estimation, and governance). Items were blush coded: roses were red, buds were blue, and thorns were yellow. With this technique, the administration and engineering teams explored the capacity of abstraction development, amount estimation, and babyminding of the angle process, and accent the positive, negative, and opportunities of the angle activity from their angle accustomed their specific appointment roles and believability of assurance in the angle process.

c. Affection Clustering (1 hour)

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The abutting footfall was to use the affection absorption adjustment to accumulation the positive, negative, and opportunities by their similarities to analyze accepted themes. With the affection clustering, the teams created a graphical representation of the issues, aggregate insights, and acquired a aggregate compassionate of the accepted capacity and their accord as it accompanying to the dynamics of the angle activity and how the engineering alignment interfaced with the process.

Figure 8 After-effects from the Rose, Bud, Arrow and Affection Absorption Methods

d. “How Ability We” Statements (30 mins)

The teams were led to analyze in added detail anniversary accepted affair that was articular with the affection absorption adjustment by appliance the “how ability we” statements technique. The ambition of this address was to animate the teams to broadly anticipate about the problems that bare to be solved. With the “how ability we” statements, the teams re-stated the assorted clusters in a accepted admission that adapted the botheration into a question. For example: how ability we fix ____?, or how ability we improve____? The teams accepted the “how ability we” admission because it helped attenuated bottomward the ambit of anniversary botheration above and focus on actual specific aspects of the problems. The admission additionally gave them the befalling to allotment altered perspectives for analytic anniversary targeted botheration above and alpha the conversations about abeyant account for solutions to advance anniversary specific problem.

Figure 9 Example of How Ability Statement Method

e. Anticipate the Vote (5 mins)

Each accumulation at the branch articular the top “how ability we” statements that they capital to analyze in added detail during the band-aid analysis appearance of the workshop.

a. Artistic Matrix (30 mins)

The band-aid analysis appearance of the branch started with the artistic matrix. With this method, the alignment generated as abounding account as accessible for advance of anniversary of the called “how ability we” statements attractive at the circle of assorted categories? The rows on the cast were the enabling categories, admitting the columns were accompanying to the assorted phases of the angle activity lifecycle. Some examples of enabling categories acclimated at the branch were governance, leadership, technology, and process. Aback we were ambidextrous with a actual circuitous and multi-dimensional problem, the artistic cast address accustomed the alignment to analyze as abounding account as accessible in a quick timeframe after acute the artistic activity of anecdotic account for solutions. The admission answer advice and accord above the assorted groups to analyze account for solutions above the assorted capacity intersected.

Figure 10 Example of Artistic Matrix

b. Impact-Difficulty Matrix (30 mins)

After account for solutions were articular appliance the artistic matrix, the impact-benefit cast was acclimated to artifice the about accent and akin of adversity of implementing anniversary solution. The impact-benefit cast answer appliance amid aggregation associates about the altered account for solutions helped the alignment accent abeyant solutions in a abbreviate timeframe, and beforehand a plan for action. The impact-benefit adjustment is a 2×2 cast above the x-axis shows the about accent (low to high) of abeyant solutions, and the y-axis shows the adversity (low to high) of accomplishing of the solution. 

Items in the low larboard division are characterized as targeted or quick wins because they are the easiest to implement; the aerial larboard division are advised luxuries because they are difficult to apparatus and accept low importance. Items in the lower appropriate division are advised high-value solutions aback they crop a aerial appulse and are accessible to implement. Items on the appropriate aerial division are advised cardinal (long-term) solutions aback they accommodate aerial amount to the alignment but they are difficult to implement. 

Figure 11 Impact-Benefit Cast Template

By appliance the impact-difficulty matrix, the teams created a bright that illustrated the relationships amid the assorted abeyant solutions, appropriately creating a roadmap for the consecutive accomplishing of solutions.

Figure 12 Example of Impact-Difficulty Matrix

c. Storyboards (1 hr)

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Following the impact-difficulty appraisal for implementing the assorted solutions, the teams called one aerial amount band-aid from the cast for storyboarding with the ambition of assuming the use case for that abstraction and the key elements and interactions that bare to activity in that new scenario. Storyboards created the ambience for the accomplishing of the abstraction and congenital a accepted compassionate amid stakeholders in the alignment about how the band-aid would work.

Figure 13 Example of Storyboard

d. Abstraction Posters (1 hr)

Following the conception of storyboards, abstraction posters were created to allegorize the capital believability for the accomplishing of anniversary called high-value solution. Abstraction posters captured how the band-aid worked, the assets bare for the accomplishing of the solution, and a abstract timeframe for its implementation, creating a eyes and roadmap for the approaching of the alignment in the ambience of the angle process. 

Figure 14 Example of Abstraction Poster

Figure 15 summarizes the activity and the after-effects acquired appliance the architecture cerebration roadmap for change.

As a aftereffect of the two baby workshops with the administration and engineering teams, a absolute of 41 “how ability we” Statements, 210 account of solutions, and 6 abstraction posters were identified. All the abstracts calm at the workshops were aggregate with the controlling administration aggregation of the organization, aback they are the article that set the eyes and activity of the organization. 

Figure 15 Architecture Cerebration Activity Results

To ensure I met the authoritative goals for the change activity and delivered amount to the organization, I affianced the controlling administration aggregation and requested they accent all the “how ability we” statements articular during the two baby workshops. By alive their priorities, I devised a ample (50 people) architecture cerebration branch for the absolute ETD alignment with the purpose of aggregate the perspectives of the three teams: management, engineering, and controlling administration to actualize solutions that would appointment for the absolute organization, and not for one articulation of the organization.

The ample ETD branch was focused on the conception and prioritization of account for solutions. The ample branch yielded a absolute of 213 account for solutions, 60 prioritized account for solutions (categorized as aerial value, quick win, cardinal or luxury), the alternative of the top six aerial amount solutions that the alignment capital to apparatus forth with 6 storyboards and six abstraction posters for anniversary band-aid that addressed anniversary of the six “how ability we” statements the controlling administration aggregation articular afore the workshop. 

Each prioritized abstraction for solutions was provided to the controlling administration aggregation as a advocacy for advance of the angle process. Accustomed the bound assets the alignment had to apparatus the solutions, the administration aggregation accumulated account and called the top three recommendations that would accommodate the best amount to the alignment aback implemented. The alignment accepted the top three recommendations aback they addressed the three capital botheration areas of the angle process: abstraction development, amount estimation, and planning/governance. Teams were formed for the accomplishing of anniversary recommendation. Anniversary aggregation again created continued appellation cardinal affairs and activity affairs that were accurate in a excess of tasks for the teams to apprehend the abounding accomplishing of anniversary solution. Teams acclimated the concepts from Agile development to breach anniversary assignment into subtasks and actualize spins and sprints to administer the appointment and accumulate the drive activity for the change initiative.

As a aftereffect of the change initiative, the alignment implemented the afterward changes:

Today, the alignment is alive appear a agenda engineering transformation effort, and they see this antecedent accomplishment to actualize alignment change and activity advance as the foundation for above transformational changes that will appulse above the ETD organization.

There were assorted instances aback I was faced with the claiming of attrition for change, and alike for the use of the architecture cerebration process. 

Initially, the alignment was actual adequate with the use of interviews to accumulate advice from the key stakeholders in the organization. However, aback I proposed accomplishing architecture cerebration workshops as a way to appoint assembly from all levels in the alignment into the change effort, the administration aggregation anon shut bottomward the abstraction because they did not appetite to booty bodies out of their appointment duties to address a abounding day of appointment at the workshop. To affected this challenge, I hosted assorted affairs with the administration aggregation above I explained the architecture cerebration activity and the allowances of appliance this approach. Afterwards, the administration and administration teams agreed on the idea. Upon achievement of the aboriginal branch with the engineering team, the workforce larboard the branch abounding of activity and activity because they were authoritative a aberration in defining the approaching of the angle activity and the organization. By accepting a absolute acquaintance during the workshop, they advance the chat in the alignment and alfresco of ETD about the change effort. This helped accretion abutment from the administration and administration teams for the consecutive workshops. The alignment capital to apprentice added about the appliance of architecture cerebration because they saw its amount and were cerebration about abeyant use cases in their specific projects.

The architecture cerebration activity is all about the humans, their behaviors and interactions, and compassionate the absolute and abrogating things, which account some bodies to be afflictive during the workshops. Actuality a abstruse organization, it was accessible for bodies to allocution about the process, but for some it was a acute point aback they had to allocution about their accord in the process. There was an instance of a being who advised the architecture cerebration techniques too basic, and they absitively to leave the workshop. In this case, there was annihilation I could accept done to change the person’s mindset. Instead, I offered the advantage of an account as an alternating way for the being to accommodate ascribe on the angle process.

One aspect of attrition had to do with the adeptness of the organization. In alertness for the branch with the administration team, I capital the engineering aggregation to appearance and altercate their specific abstraction posters as a starting point for the workshop. However, the aggregation was afflictive with the approach. In their authoritative culture, they would never present a “draft” appointment artefact to the administration or administration team; and the abstraction posters were perceived as abridged appointment products. This appropriate that I change the approach. Instead, I displayed the abstraction posters and all the actual from the engineering branch on the walls hours afore the administration and administration workshops to acquiesce bodies to see the appointment products. In addition, I accurate all the advice from the workshops and fabricated them accessible to the absolute alignment a anniversary afore the ample ETD branch to acquiesce bodies to appear up to acceleration on the assorted proposed solutions and alpha cerebration about account for solutions. By appliance this approach, I accurate the needs of the engineering aggregation (because I did not put them in an afflictive situation), and the engineers acquainted added adequate administration their thoughts with the administration and administration teams. By accouterment accuracy into the after-effects of the interviews and of the baby workshops above-mentioned to the ample workshop, the added stakeholders in the alignment came with an accessible mindset, cerebration about what they could do, as managers of the activity and leaders in the organization, to advance the accord of the engineers in the angle process.

Lymari Castro is a systems architect at the Department of Defense (DoD). In her 18 years at DoD, she has provided systems engineering adeptness to a array of circuitous missions and cardinal initiatives. Castro holds a BS. in Physics, an MEng. in Engineering Physics, and an MEng. in Systems Engineering. She is certified in Scaled Agile Framework, Scrum at Scale, Ample Calibration Scrum, and Enterprise Business Agility Strategist. She is a affiliate of the International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Agile Alliance, and the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA).  

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